8:00 am
Mount Zion AME Church
1312 Willow St. Norristown PA 19401
Rev. Pastor Carlos D Bounds
February 23, 2025
Welcome to Our 4thSunday 8:00 AM Service
Opening Praise
I Woke Up This Morning by Tamesha Pruett Ray
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Our Call to Worship
Minister: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord, our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
People: For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Minister: Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.
People: Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Minister: Blessed are they that dwell in thy house. Lord, I have loved Your habitation, the place where Your honor dwelleth.
People: For the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Minister: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer.
People: O sing unto the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth, sing praises.
Prayer: Evangelist Tisha Lett
Scriptures: Brother David Lett
OT 2ndKings 5:1-14 & NT John 10:30-38
Tithes & Offering
Black History Moment
Sermonic Selection
The Message
Pastor Carlos D Bounds
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
11:00 am
Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church – Norristown, PA
Sunday, February 23, 2025 - 11:00 AM
Preacher: Rev. Carlos D. Bounds, Pastor
Worship Leader: Licentiate Charles Lett
Opening Words
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
Musical Prelude - Bro. Oscar Williams
Call to Worship
Minister: I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord, our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
People: For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Minister: Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.
People: Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Minister: Blessed are they that dwell in thy house. Lord, I have loved Your habitation, the place where Your honor dwelleth.
People: For the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Minister: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer.
People: O sing unto the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth, sing praises
Hymn of Praise: EPIC
Prayer: Licentiate Paulette Jones
Choral Response
Welcome: Sister Lori Henry
Benevolent Offering: Evangelist Ebony Forston
Scriptures: Licentiate Anthea Lett
Old Testament:
2nd Kings 5:1-14
New Testament:
John 10:30-38
This is the word of the Lord – Thanks be to God.
Hymn of Celebration: EPIC
Black History Segment
Jamila, Gregory & Lauren
Tithes and Offering
Offertory: “All things come of Thee O Lord; and of thine own have we given thee. Amen”
Sermonic Selection: Royal Praise Dancers
Sermon: Pastor Carlos D. Bounds
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
Altar Prayer for Guest
Benediction Greeting Guest