Communication Ministry
Communications Ministry – reaches the congregation and community through custom audio CDs and cassette tapes that are duplicated weekly during Sunday worship services. Events such as revivals, weddings, funerals and other related church events are recorded/duplicated. The Ministry’s purpose through the distribution of audios is to spread the word of God for joyful discussions and apply the good news of the gospel to others. As we grow spiritually, we continue to serve God and one another through hearing and applying God’s word. It’s clear that we must first hear the preached word, love the word, speak the word, live the word and spread the word.
Communications Ministry is also responsible for publicizing events to churches for a means of coming together and fellowshipping with one another. Contact the Ministry to request audios or if you would like to communicate your correspondence of events to surrounding churches.
Shelia Carter, Alton Jones and Lorraine Vance
And He said to them, “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15